Monday, March 17, 2025

Path of the Gods Hike

15,500 steps, should count as 28,000 for steps actually walked because of the ups and downs

On advice from others we decided to go with a guide to Path of the Gods, a beautiful walking hike with fantastic views. We had heard it was difficult to find where to start the walk, and different routes are available so a guide would be helpful. We found a tour that would take us on the family route, I have no idea what a family route is, but what we did wasn't exactly what I thought.

We started off with a 1 hour drive from Sorrento to Bomerano, that was to cover 35 KM, yes lots and lots of twisty roads. As we were driving to Bomerano the traffic coming into Sorrento was absolutely crazy, and it is not even tourist season yet. I cannot imagine it here during the summer. I know the AIRBNB where we are staying more than doubles in price in the summer to what we are paying.

A quick stop in Bomerano at the town square to visit a coffee shop for a bathroom break, then a 5 minute drive to the entrance to the park where we will start our hike.

Right from the start we knew this was going to be amazing. The views are great pretty much from the 1st minute. The stairs also pretty much start from the first minute. There were 8 of us with our guide, all of us Canadians except one woman from Wales. We were a great group, no one was in a big rush so we took lots of time and had lots of rest stops. Our guide picked wild herbs for us to smell, not much better than this. Lots of goats at the beginning of the hike, goats milk cheese is famous in this region.

We are on a loop for our hike, the first half is along the top part. We see a couple of little towns down below, lots of beautiful mountain drops into the water. The stairs are not even stairs, some I would call made for giants. We were all given a hiking pole at the beginning that came in very handy for everyone.

We had some beautiful views of Positano, which is a small town on the Amalfi Coast. We will be visiting here later in the week. We come to the section where you decide whether you will be going to Positano, or turn around to do the bottom half of our loop. Our group was doing the bottom half of the loop. From what we understood this eliminates about 1000 steps and 3 km of walking on the main road with traffic. We understood we saw all the amazing views already. On the lower part of the loop we stopped at a shepherds hut for some wine, cheese, tomatoes and bread, and just a nice break. Lots of visiting with the other walkers with us. It is so quite right now we are the only group that we see, and maybe another 20 hikers all together on the 3.5 hours we were out walking.

Back to the van and another stop at a little bar to use the bathroom and get a coffee or snack. A fantastic day, everyone made the full loop, even the 82 year old woman that was with us, she did amazing. She had hiked so many places all around the world including Newfoundland, she was great.

Van drive back to Sorrento and the 3 of us walk up to the train station to get some tickets for tours for the next couple of days. 2 more full days booked, then we will spend our last day around Sorrento before we move on.

Out for supper at Franco Pizzeria, which we have heard from 2 people now has the best pizza in town. Lucky for us it is directly across the street from our apartment. Supper done, let games night begin so we don't fall asleep on the couch at 8PM.


Path of the gods sign

where the baby goats were kept

donkeys and mules are the only way to move things including grapes to town 

Abandon farm house



Amazing view

A mixture of flat and ups and downs

San Domenico convent


Some of the twisty road that follows the shore


A couple of spots where people rock climb

The Shepard house where we stopped for a smacks and local wine 

Great views

No wine shall be left behind

The kitchen

A bone for the bell ringing

Lots of wine terraces

Some stairs were good others mmmm

This man played and sang an Italian song for us

Our hiking group

One last picture

Spritz time

Our 4 season pizza

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