Saturday, March 15, 2025

Naples to Sorrento

 Naples to Sorrento

Started off this morning with breakfast being delivered to our room at 8AM. Nothing fancy but it did the trick to get us going for the day.

Our bus leaves at 11:45 so decided to take a walk to make sure we knew where we were going, less than a 10 minute walk to the bus station, even quicker when we cut through the train station.

Back towards the B&B and decided to go for a short walk. A bit of rain in the air, but nothing terrible. Back to the apartment to get our suitcases as we had to be checked out by 11AM. Discovered that you must have a navy shower or you run out of hot water, brrrr.

Back to the bus stop, we would have paid less for our tickets to Sorrento than the 5Euro that it cost us per person to get from the airport to our hotel by bus. We did pay an extra 4 Euro to get the front seats, so it turned out to be just under 9 Euro per person for the bus trip, Flexibus comes through again, we have used them a few times in Europe now.

A little excitement getting on the bus, there were 3 Asian woman travelling together, we think a grandma and 2 grandchildren, that were women not children. Anyway Grandma had her arms full and fell getting on the bus. We think she hurt herself quite badly. One of the grand-kids piggy backed her on to the bus. When they were getting on we showed her we had some Tylenol if she needed some. She came back and took 2 from us, then returned the bottle and wanted to give us 5 Euro, then we made her take a couple more from the bottle for later and would not accept the 5 Euro. I wondered if we would ever take pills from a stranger, then remembered I happily took some pills from a Aussie in Atacama when I was suffering from the altitude sickness.

Arrived in Sorrento and a little difficulty finding our apartment, and the AIRBNB person was not answering whatsapp. Did finally hook up but he will not be getting 5 stars for check in ease.

A walk around town, checked out where Joey booked her shuttle from to see where she is getting dropped off and we are off for a few groceries.

Back to the apartment and so far Andre has spilled coffee, then red wine. Will add more paper towels to our shopping list.

Small supper at the apartment and we are outside at 8:15 to wait for Joey. Not long wait and she shows up in a van by herself, yeah, let the fun begin!

Catching up on her travel adventure and we call it a night. Hoping the wind lets up tomorrow and tomorrow we can get some exploring done without being blowing away! 

The entrance to the Airbnb

Used to be 1 hotel but now it divided into small places

At the train station, a small display

Local deliveries of fruits & vegetables

The taxi line up at the train station Our place is the 3rd or 4th hotel on the left 

From the bus to Sorrento, nothing too exciting for 90 minutes

Outdoor market

1 stop in Pompei. Hoping to make it later this week

Getting closer

Last view toward Naples I guess

Could also have taken the train here

Arriving at Meta, Sorrento is further down

Saw a few of these also in Naples, this one has a shaving room

Can't imagine what it is like in the summer

An older Fiat

Another one, they are so cute but not for me

Looks like the orange/lemon groove is closed for an update

Cool mural art near the bus station

Old town is on the left, we are staying on the right side of the ravine

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