Thursday, February 13, 2025

Cholula tour

 15,280 steps

Today we did a trip to Cholula, one of the magical towns in Puebla state. We looked at taking Uber, going by local bus, and then we found a tour that was $15 CDN each, so that was it. It went by what they called a street car/tram, it was a very bumpy ride. Pick up was at 11AM and we got back to Puebla at 5:30PM, a great day. There is recorded commentary on the bus, but only in Spanish. There were two Mexican woman on the bus with us, and 1 man from England, so lots of room to spread out. We got absolutely nothing from the commentary, we are doing OK in restaurants, asking prices of things, and asking for directions, but that is about our extent of Spanish.

The tour started off by stopping at many different beautiful churches in Cholula. We have visited some beautiful churches in Europe on our travels, but Mexico has raised it to a different level. I think we visited 5 churches before we got to the highlight of the day which was visiting Los Remedios Temple, which is on top of the pre Hispanic Great Pyramid. We had stopped for a view as we drove by, and I saw all the steps, and as always when there are steps and going up that means we are going. It was a very steep climb but well worth it once you reach the top.

It is said that Cortez wanted 365 churches built so there would be one for each day of the year.

Beautiful views from the top, but unfortunately the active volcano Popocatepetl was not very visible because of clouds over the volcano. It is the second highest peak in Mexico. In 2024 it erupted 13 times in 24 hours which caused flights to be canceled from Mexico City. Disappointed we didn't see it well, but we do have a chance again on our bus ride later this week maybe.

There was a beautiful young women getting her pictures done on top, we assume for her Quinceanera, which is still a big thing here, a coming of age party when you turn 15. We see lots of stores with these gorgeous dresses on display.

Back to Puebla and we decide on Tacos tonight. We are in quite a touristy spot, but we have beautiful view of the cathedral from our table. Another great day

Wooden tram on bumpy street, not so comfortable

Casa Rosa

Vendor where we got dropped off, Plaza Trueque

Capilla De Los Mártires Mexicanos

The vendors in Plaza Concordia that surround the park.

I think I am going to like this town, lots of ice cream vendors

Capilla Real Siglo XVI "Convento de San Gabriel

the old church at the Convento de San Gabriel

Tepanapa pyramid 

 Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios on top of the Pyramid

Driving by another church

Amazing tile work

Will need to find one of these in Oaxaca

Santa Maria Church

Beautiful inside but not allowed to take pictures

Lady on the tram got some and gave us one

The Blue Casa

Another drive by church, so many in town

Wed shared a cemitas for lunch

got to taste cricket

On the way up

We can barely see the volcano, Popocatépetl, on the left.

what it should look like

The other famous volcano, Iztaccihuatl 

Inside the church now

Just had to do it, it was SO warm, lol

Puebla was the last place the made VW bugs, I don't think this was the last one

Plaza de la Concordia 

Typical Paneria lots of choices

The streets are so colourful

Wendy and our new friend Raj from London UK

Tacos Arabe for supper, not a bad view

The have metro or Bus that you can eat in

The choices

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