Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rainy Afternoon

Wendy has been helping writing the blog for the last few days so I could get up to date on the blogs.  Thank you honey.  She is a much faster typist than I am and I concentrated working on pictures.

This is one of Wendy's 3 work location. One is the library, the second one is the courtyard by the kitchen which has a small dinning/patio table and this is the last one in the kitchen. The courtyard by the kitchen has no electrical outlets, so when he computer battery gets low, she moves to this stop.

After breakfast I headed out to do a bit of groceries as we are getting low on a few things. Mostly milk for Kahlua and milk but a few other things. Did not venture to the main market as this is mostly stuff you can only get at the main grocery store called Soriana that is about 2 blocks away from the main market. There also a Super Aki grocery store next to Soriana but we have been getting mostly everything at Soriana. Funny how things are much lighter when you push them around in a grocery cart as compared to lugging them by hand in grocery bags. It was only $15 of groceries but I looked at my grocery list and it all add up to almost 20 pounds. Milk, Yogourt, Chicken, Mango juice... I know it is less than 1KM walk but that was heavy for me especially when it is almost 30 degree weather.

My favorite building with people waiting for the bus on our street

Orange pop is still very popular here

All the streets, or 98% at least are one way street. The street we are on is a very popular bus route and in the morning people line the street. I usually walk the other sidewalk because of that especially if you have 2 grocery bags.

Today's bug is a red one

Back home for lunch and Wendy makes a delicious chicken sandwich with the stuff I bought today.

As usual we spend a good part of the afternoon by the pool until the thunder started and the skies opened up. We spend the rest of the afternoon in the library room in the house reading books. At 5PM, we watched the Moncton Magic basketball versus Halifax game on YouTube. What a great game which they won. A much needed win as they were down 2-0.

The courtyard where Wendy usually works, good thing she moved her computer!

Wendy office of choice when it is not raining and she has battery power

Wendy in the library room

Made chicken quesadillas for supper. Wendy had made some yummy salsa and guacamole this afternoon which is pretty much a staple here during our stay.

After supper we went for a walk to the main square, Plaza Grande. On the way there we checked out a couple of hotel lobbies just in case we might return at some point in the future. at the Plaza Grande, one side of the square was out of power. Was funny seeing mostly everyone on the same side of the square.

Of course I had to have an ice cream cone. I am always nervous that if nobody supports these guys that they will go out if business and then when you really really want an ice cream there is none to be found. Honestly that is the only reason I buy ice cream. Insert sarcastic smiley face here.

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