Friday, April 20, 2018

Museum Day

So looking forward to the week-end.  Andre is out exploring, there are so many free museums in town he will never get them all done.  He is also on a venture to find the best deal to go away for the day tomorrow and visit Rio Lagartos.  We’ve already started asking around so we know about what we should pay, we’ll see how he does.

I have a good day at work today, finally 2 demos in the same day that went well.

(Andre) I  found 2 museums that I wanted to go see this morning.  It is in a new corner of town that I have not been yet.  

All kinds of doors and windows ornaments to see

Old water cistern made of cement 

Old restaurant, I don't think it is open anymore but sometimes it is hard to tell

Today we have a red bruised bug

Monument at the flower park

Thgis door has been fixed a few times, what kind of business is here from 830 to 5?

2 bugs today, love the hanging monkey

Found another local market. Very clean, wide isles compare to the 3 foot ones at the main market.
Flowers and vegetables. I have them

Fresh meat as well

For Pick Up????

This lady was standing at a doorway and I said hi. Then she talked to me in Spanish and I tried to tell her I did not understand but she kept talking anyway. I asked if I could take her picture.

He had enough grill to probably cook 50 chickens at once

You don't see many old cars except for VW bugs.

Love how the gate extends over the sidewalk so they can park the car in the courtyard

TLC needed, good thing there is a lock on it?

Piñata that has been beaten

I think it was to warn driver to be careful of school kids

Some type of cultural offices.

The railroad museum which is a good walk from where we are staying. The cost was 20 Pesos or $1.40. He was told by the attendent that it was because they maintain the railroad cars. At 20 Pesos, there can't be much maintenance after you pay the attendant. He got to go inside many of them. Some first class and some not. The first class one still need more updates and they were not really fixed up much. The passenger trains do not run anymore in the Yucatan peninsula.

From the 1890s

Old bike from ????

I walked along a more commercial road and there was about 5 of these along it.  All selling watermelon and pineapples. I saw one truck unloading and I am guessing what is not sold has to be reloaded.

Old train station, now a school for the arts

Saw the first guy and gave him the thumbs up for his motorcycle and then the family of 3 pulls up. Love the contrast between the 2 and the kid with the helmet 4 sizes too big. Usually the kids do not have helmets.

I found another museum but only had a quick visit as Wendy and I will most likely come back to visit.  Get home after exploring for almost 3 hours. A great morning.
Wendy is taking over now.

Andre came back with no tickets, he decided we should go together to get them.

After work we went a taco place that we had tried to find the other day but couldn’t find it.  A good lunch, but not sure I would make the effort to go back there again.
Most tacos are around $1.00 Canadian

After lunch we visited the Folk Art Museum which is in the same block as the flower park was.  This was a very good nice small museum that focused on the folk art around Mexico.  Again free admission, and didn’t see another person while we were there.  Andre had been by in the morning for a quick visit and wanted me to go  back and see it.

Where the flowers were. They draw the design first. Makes sense.

This was interesting where they put these 2 jaguars

The details on this were amazing

On the way home

Next up we went to pick up tour tickets for tomorrow.  We went to a guy that has spoken to us quite a few times not too far from Santa Lucia park.  His prices are a little less than others we have seen, but really he has been very nice so went back there for that reason.

We are not overly hungry for supper and there is a pizza place around the corner from us so decided to go there.  First we are asked if we have a reservation, no, the place is empty!  Order a mushroom pizza, I think they weren't really ready to start serving yet.  We can see pizza dough rising, and they are chopping up mushrooms for us.  Next we see them throwing some kind of starter fluid on the flames to get the oven up to temperature, I don't think I want to know what they were using.  Next thing we know tons of people start arriving, the restaurant we think is hosting a wedding, more and more people just keep coming in.  We are so glad we beat the rush and our pizza is in the oven or we never would have gotten in and out. Pizza on Wed and Sunday are 2 x 1, we will be back.

Delicious mushroom pizza

Tonight we are off to see the Symphony Orchestra accompanying a pianist.  Wow, what an amazing venu the theatre was, it is in the main theatre, Jose Peon Contreras.  We were seated in the top balcony section, the floor was all sold out.  We basically were near the same height as the chandelier.  The top boxes have two rows of 3 people in each, we were the only ones in our box, really cool.  Dad would not have liked it much, if you looked over the front it was a little scary.  The music was fantastic, I never saw the pianist with a sheet of music, it really was fantastic.  Our tickets were $15.00 Canadian, maybe if tickets were more affordable in Canada we would have more support of the arts? Chris, the man who owns our house is part of the symphony orchestra, we told him we are in way different seats than the ones he got for us the other night, he said he would look up and wave, lol.

We got to stretch our legs at intermission and get a bit of fresh air.

Door that is closed behind you when you go into your box seats

Looking down from theatre balcony outside 

After intermission piano is moved to back, and full orchestra is on stage

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