Today Andre and Liam have booked a fishing tour from
7-9AM. Somehow over the last little bit
Liam has changed from his #1 thing to do from snorkeling to fishing? Joey and I are on our own for breakfast then
off to the dock to meet them in anticipation of fish for lunch and supper. 9 Am
comes and goes, 10 am comes and goes, it is now 11AM and we see them coming
along. We see not too happy faces, no
fish at all, a sad day that I don’t think either of them enjoyed too much. We did hear that Liam did have one small
grouper on the line at one point, but that was the only bite.
Very calm this morning |
Our Captain Orville preparing some bait |
Here fishy fishy |
Shipwreck on the reef |
These ladies were luckier than us catching some grunts |
Our catch of the day, too small. Had to return to the water |
Look ma, I'm fishing with one hand |
Back to the casita, a quick bite to eat for Liam and Andre,
no it was not fish, and we are off for some snorkeling. Today Joey came to
spooky channel with us as well, I think Liam may have caught up on some sleep
in the hammock.
A very large school of Blue Thangs |
Lobster |
A few sea urchins but not many |
The large barracuda that we saw yesterday |
Lots of fan coral near spooky channel |
Spooky channel, loved it |
Parrot fish |
Sergent Majors |
Sea Cucumber |
Anemone Maybe? |
A school of parrot fish, must have been 40 of them altogether |
Angel fish under the end of the pier |
Today more families have arrived, one family is from
Vancouver, so far all the other guests have been American. This family is avid fisherman, especially
their son who absolutely loves fishing, hope they have more luck than our guys
Tonight we decide to just take it easy and make some pasta
for supper. Games night has moved on to
the golf card game, and off to bed early.
I forgot to mention, Liam has informed us he does not want
to be tagged on facebook, silly move kiddo, you will be tagged in every picture
we post now!
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