Friday, December 8, 2023

Green Island and Nelson Dockyard and Shirley Heights

 A full day today as we decided to go to Green Island for snorkeling.  

Where we spent our first week

Met our boat in Long Bay for our trip to Green Island

Our Captain and boat

Some much more expensive tours came to snorkel as well., we left the beach at 9AM to beat the tours

Our "yacht" lol

After our tour to Green Island we stopped again at Bettys Hope as today the gates are open.  A replica of the sugar plantation in the small museum
Bettys Hope

On the way back to our apartment road is closed.  No warning, no detour sign, no flag person, we just followed the car in front of us up around a side street in the village to get around

Back near our part of the Island and we visit Nelson Dockyard in English Harbour.  There are many chartered yachts showing off here that are available to rent, slightly out of our price range. Nelsons Dockyard was the Royal Navy Dockyard in the 1700's and is now a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Sail shop

THe yachts had all their toys on display as well

Love the decorations on this tree

Next off to Shirley Heights for some fantastic views

English Harbour from Shirley Heights

Eric Claptons "home"

THey have a BBQ tonight, we were early but able to go in quickly for some views and pics

Band setting up for BBQ night

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