Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 A very rainy start to the day today so we will be spending the day in Nice. It is pouring out this morning so first thing on the agenda is to go to the fancy bakery just down the street from us for croissants and pain au chocolate. The size of them were at least twice the normal size, so double the price was not bad. Very yummy start to the morning.

Joey is in charge of finding a nice restaurant for tomorrow for lunch as we will need to be back in the afternoon before the rain comes again, and a parade is scheduled for tomorrow night that we have tickets to. Restaurant found and reservations made.

It clears up in the afternoon and we go for a nice walk around the Promenade des Anglais and further to the west that we haven't ventured yet. Two nice monuments for the victims of the of the terrorist attack in 2016 where 86 people died when someone drove a truck on the promenade at high speed. Back into old town in search of something for supper. Lots of places are closed here on Mondays, our two first thoughts are rotisserie chicken and fresh pasta, but our 2 spots are both closed today. Both of the Socca places are also closed. Start heading home and come across a little bakery that has little lemon pies, they now have 2 less for us to have when we get home, they were delicious. We also picked up some arancini for supper, 3 different fillings, that will do for supper at home.

After dinner Andre and I went out for a walk. First stop was to pick up another box of Kleenex, we get there 5 minutes before closing and security didn't want to let us in, we said only one thing so we were successful. When they say closing at 8 they mean everything is closed at 8, they are going home at 8. Joey is battling a cold so she decided to stay in tonight. Not so many people out tonight on the Promenade, it is beautiful at night, lots of waves tonight. It is spitting rain as we get home, lots of rain forecast again for tonight. Problem with the fob at the front door, lucky Joey is upstairs and can let us in. An email from the parade that it is cancelled for tomorrow and moved to the next day, that means it will be 2 parades for us on the same day!

Plans for tomorrow a little up in the air, weather and how Joey is feeling, but we are going out for a nice lunch!

Step count today 19,600 or 12.5KM, not bad for a quiet day

Gourmets croissants and pain au chocolat

How fluffy they are

On our walk on the promenade
Small electric bus doing some of the smaller routes.

The Blue Chair.  The used to be small folding ones like this on the promenade but people kept stealing them, so now the are attached together

Windy last night, a little of driftwood on the beach and waves

At the monument for the victim's of the terror attack in 2016 where 86 people died when someone drove a truck on the promenade at high speed

The Negresco

At the Messena Museum, did not visit

Valet parking at the Negresco

The blue benches

So many nice looking hotels

For sun tanning, I have to butt out

We have seen this guy and his dog a few times

Confetti after the parade

Back in Old Town

The antique market is on

Not as pretty as last night

I wrote down the number

Arancini for supper

The Casino at night

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