Saturday, March 19, 2016

Wuhan - Jingzhou for Yangtze River Cruise

Today we took 4 hours by bus to travel from Wuhan to Jingzhou where we will start our cruise.  It was a fun bus ride as we really haven't seen any country side yet, only very large cities.  We had one stop along the way for a bathroom break, and we could pick up snacks.  Some bathroom breaks at truck stops at home can be scary, this was really scary, enough said.

Sunrise at 7AM, across river

Which snack to choose at our snack stop?

Snack and bathroom break, finally some warmer weather!

Arrived in Jingzhou and stopped for lunch, all of these meals are starting to run into one another.  They are all pretty much the same thing, a little bit different stir fry dishes.  We have 6 Filipinos at our dinner table which is fantastic, they are able to help us identify some of the things.

After lunch we went to the museum in Jingzhou.  The main attraction here is a mummy from   200 BC.  The tomb was discovered when a highway was being built about 15 km from here.  It was amazing how lifelike he still is, a combination of how deep he was buried, the tomb being made of air sealed lacquer, and red mercury.  Lots of his treasures that were buried with him were on display as well, quite something.  Also the oldest silk quilt in China is on display here.  There is quite a small garden outside here which had lots of flowers in bloom, nice to walk around for a little break before we get back on the bus.

Mummy from 200 BC

One of the girls from our bus getting asked to take her picture

No steel toe boots, ear or eye protection needed

Next off we go to visit the City wall. This was rebuilt in the 1600's.  Another chance  to mingle with lots of Chinese as it is a beautiful Saturday afternoon, lots of locals out with their families.  We are stopped a couple of times again to have our pictures taken. 

Sugar candy - integrate designs 

Now we are off to the ship to start our cruise.  Something has upset Andres stomach so he has skipped supper, I am a good wife and brought him back 2 buns, and then went to the bar to get him a ginger ale.  This afternoon I explored by myself, went to the briefing by myself (Andre owes me for this one), but I did run into friends and had a drink of the day, quite yummy. 

We are sailing now.  The Yangtze is a very busy shipping river, lots of boats wave to us as we go by.  It is very smooth right now, and I think this is what it will be like the while time, nothing like an ocean cruise.

Tomorrow I have booked us on an optional tour, it sounds like a great day, sure hope Andre is feeling better!    

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